01 ︎︎︎ margaret kirk
02 ︎︎︎ margaret kirk
03 ︎︎︎ margaret kirk
"Shape and form expressed as measurement, rhythm, symbol and transformation of figure and principle."[1]
"Design and shape as dimension, rhythm, symbol and transformation of numbers and concepts." [2]
The description of the work of Emma Kunz by the artist, herself.
A revolutionary, turn-of-the-century medium, revealing her unique access to occult transcendentalism through complex geometrical works of figures, patterns, and rhythms derived from the practice of radiesthesia employing a pendulum.
This series, Educed Spiritualism, interprets selected pieces by Emma Kunz seeking to elicit the intrinsic nature of her work by computational re-translation. Employing a modern radiethesia- the algorithm- applied to Kunz’s work, the process seeks to unlock latent forces through which her work may be experienced, evoking new meaning and probing connections exposed through the change in medium.
[1] "Emma Kunz." Emma Kunz Zentrum. Last modified September 8, 2021. https://www.emma-kunz.com/en/emma-kunz/.
[2] Ibid.